

Hi Chyna

I absolutely adored your book. Read it cover cover Saturday evening. Your introduction really touched me and your passion for what you are doing bounced of the pages. Thanks to you wearing heels are now part of my wardrobe and not a wish.

You have inspired me to believe in myself and achieve the life I have to date only dreamed off.

My next goal is to have my clothes makeover before my half marathon which is on the 10th May complete with short "halle berry" hair. When i cross the finishing line i will have left the old me behind. I want to be able to wear my new wardrobe that weekend to celebrate the start of my new life and to make my dad proud of me. That weekend will the 11th anniversary of his death and i want to do this in his memory. 

Thank you for making me believe in myself
Narinda Hope - Age 32 - Executive Manager

Dear Chyna
After attending your workshop, I felt taller and more graceful in my heels after the class - in particular I felt I was moving in a more mindful manner.  Sort of like the feeling I get when I am practicing yoga every day!
Connie Tregidga - Age 48-  Marketing manager 

Chyna, my daughter her friends and I completely  enjoyed the shoe party you held at our home in Winsor. My daughter loved high heels but every time she wears them she complained  of lower back pain. She is 21 and should not be experiencing this. After you worked your magic with the Alexander Technique, and taught her how to strut in her heels. I was amazed. Even me, I am strutting too! My daughter has had several Alexander lessons with you now, and she does not have back pain any more. Now when my daughter goes out in those killa heels of her, I am confident that she will make it home in one piece, and not destroy her back. Thank you so much Chyna, and may I say you are an amazing and very special person and what you have discovered will revolutionize the world!
Judie Cammeron -Age 47 –Finance Manager

I got married in September and I had bought a beautiful dress and shoes, but I was really worried that I would ruin the whole entrance by sounding like a baby elephant as I walked down the aisle. I read about Chyna in the Daily Telegraph article, "Balancing Act of High Heels and Health.” Using Alexander Technique, Chyna carefully guided me through small but significant changes to my posture. My lower back pain disappeared and yes, she taught me how to walk in heels! I was able to glide elegantly down the aisle on high heels — all thanks to Chyna. I would recommend any bride-to-be to contact Chyna; she will make the world of difference!
Sophia Rex (Bride)
I never ever wore high heels, but now I feel more comfortable wearing them even though I am slightly overweight.
   Maria Canning  42  Senior Bank Manager

I cant believe the difference in the way I walking heels after having Alexander lessons with Chyna. I feel like a new woman, and I wear heels far more with confidence. I feel much sexier
Fiona Schole- 38 Managing Director

I work in the city and usually wear my trainers to work and change into heels when I get there. I have a draw full if high heels at work. I always wished that I could be one of those women who could wear heels to and from work. Well, now I am!. I can’t believe how comfortable I feel in high heels now. Still getting use to all of the attention I am getting. Still I don’t mind peole admiring me, because I know I walk with ‘swagga’
Sophie Breaks – 32- Lawyer

Every woman needs to know about the way Chyna has got me walking in high heels.Since being able to walk in high heels my husband cannot resist me. We have re-kindled old flames, and we have fallen in love all over again. Heels have done wonders for my marriage. Thank you so much Chyna.
Brenda Lawton 34 Marketing consultant

I had a walking in stilettos with Chyna and let me tell you I learnt so much about high heels. I am a model so I have to wear heels all of the time, I though I could walk well in them, but after Chyna’s class, now I can say I really can walk in heels now!
Thanks Chyna
Ami Brown – Age 21- Model

Before I couldn’t walk in very high heels , and my first walking in stilettos class was awesome. I now can ‘swagga’ in high heels with confidence, grace and elegance.I highly recommend stilettos classes to any woman, because it has brought out my femininity’
Deon Dixon-Age 26- Architect

I also joined the programme because walking in stilettos would give me more elegance in the way I position my body, and I now I can actually walk in high heels with no problems at all. I can walk gracefully…I can’t believe it!
Glenis King -Age 54 -Social service carer 

I started a course called the WIS Personal Development Transformation Programme. By the third week of the programme, I noticed a remarkable difference in myself.

I started with detoxing and eating greens, which has helped my body to feel more alert and sensitive. Working out in the fit for stilettos classes, has improved my co-ordination and focus. This was great! Since having the Alexander Lessons, it has relieved lower back pain, and improved my posture, which helps me to walk with ease and feminine grace in Walking in Stilettos classes. WOW!

What must I say about voice training? This is an area I have struggled with over the years, but now I have been taught the right formula. I have the power to control my voice, and not feel inadequate in how I sound. So now I am a fully loaded package, with an improved posture, a better sounding voice, fit and healthy, and now know how to swagga in my high heels
Marie Gordon – Age 50 – Marketing consultant

Before and after...

"...now I am a fully loaded package, and know how to Swagga in high heels..." 
Marie Gordon
Transformation Marie Gordon:  http://youtu.be/5_rzaQAxThA        

"...I wanted to be transformed , firstly I had to know I was worth it! This course has transformed my life..!" Gleniss King 
Transformation Marie Gordon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQEUxRouEQ8

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