Programme For Women

Learning to walk in high heels correctly is an art form and should be taken very seriously. Thousands of women all over the world injure themselves as a result of not being able to walk in high heel correctly. Chyna Whyne the Author of Mastering the Art of Wearing High Heels – 10 Hot Tips, teaches you how to get it right in high heels.Firstly by improving your posture with the use of the Alexander Technique. You are taught feet exercises to do before putting your heels on,  how to overcome pains in the balls of the feet, and cramping in the calves, and taught how to ‘Swagga’ in your heels for that sexy feeling. Many more exciting Hot Top Tips like how walk in high heels comfortably with grace elegance and ease  for longer!

When wearing high heels a completely different set of muscles groups are working than when wearing no high heels or flat shoes. It is important to develop the correct muscles for wearing high heels so that your feet and legs have the strength, and feel totally supported when wearing your high heels. This Fit for Stilettos class focuses on strengthening and toning your legs, so you have ‘Sexy legs for the summer’. The one hour workout promotes weight loss, and includes stretching, exercises for bums and tums, and teaches you how to dance in your delicious killa heels. Plenty of fun and laughter! How to conduct the rocking test click here

Women love to shoe shop, but often purchase shoes that are unstable, the incorrect size, or badly made. It is imperative to conduct the ‘Rocking Test’ on shoes that you want to purchase to ensure that they are stable. An unstable shoe can cause you to fall off of your high heels and could cause you injury. Our Personal shopping and grooming service supports you with expert advice about buying the correct shoes, and gives you Hot Top Tips on how to dress to have impact, as well as advice on hair and make-up.

Juicing can be enormously beneficial for health, and can also help you lose weight as part of a balanced diet plan.
It supercharges your nutrient intake by providing your body with pure micronutrients, vitamins and enzymes - with none of the bad stuff that constitutes processed food.
By putting the most nutritious fuel into your system possible, you can kick start your metabolism and give your body a break from all of the strange chemicals you've been challenging it to process until now.


           - Do you walk heavily on your feet?
           - Do spend hours a day sat at a computer?
           - Do you experience neck, lower back, or shoulder pain?
The Alexander Technique improves your posture, and re-educates your body on how to, sit stand and walk with balance and confidence. If you are experiencing  lower back neck, or shoulder pain the Alexander Technique helps to relieve you of the pain you are in, and helps you to walk lighter, sit upright and feel totally balanced. Sitting at a computer can create bad habits, ie poor posture, so it is important to have Alexander lessons to prevent long term damage to your back by addressing your present posture.  

Public speaking or singing to an audience can be a terrifying experience if you are not equip with the correct tools to help deliver your voice with confidence. The WIS vocal training classes will help you to improve your breathing, deliver your voice with ease and confidence, and give you the power to project your voice so that speaking or singing in public becomes effortless and an enjoyable experience. 

When you start to meditate, you will quickly experience the proven benefits of deep relaxation and meditation. Thousands of research studies indicate that meditation for a little as fifteen or twenty minutes a day promotes improved mental and physical health and well- being. Experience a dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety. Feel inner peace, happiness, and regain restful and refreshing sleep

"...Chyna who teaches the Alexander technique has perfected a way of wearing high heels…"

"...An added bonus is that Chyna taught me how to use my new posture to walk well in high heels…"


"...Chyna’s classes are as much about  ‘go girl’ confidence…’’

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