Programme For Men


Juicing can be enormously beneficial for health, and can also help you lose weight as part of a balanced diet plan.
It supercharges your nutrient intake by providing your body with pure micronutrients, vitamins and enzymes - with none of the bad stuff that constitutes processed food.
By putting the most nutritious fuel into your system possible, you can kick start your metabolism and give your body a break from all of the strange chemicals you've been challenging it to process until now.


       - How often do you check your posture?
         -  Has it worsened over time?
         - Do you spend a lot of time at a computer or desk?
The Alexander Technique improves your posture, and re-educates your body on how to, sit stand and walking with balance and ease. If you have poor posture and experience neck, back or shoulder pain, the Alexander Technique can improve your posture and relive you of the pain you experience. The Alexander Technique helps to calm the central nervous system, therefore reduces stress levels which helps you to achieve clarity. There are numerous other benefits to having Alexander lessons such as lowering blood pressure, improve focus and concentration and improves breathing. 


Public speaking or singing to an audience can be a terrifying experience if you are not equip with the correct tools to help deliver your voice with confidence. The WIS vocal training classes will help you to improve your breathing to deliver your voice with ease and confidence, and give you the power to project your voice so that speaking or singing in public becomes effortless and an enjoyable experience.


When you start to meditate, you will quickly experience the proven benefits of deep relaxation and meditation. Thousands of research studies indicate that meditation for a little as fifteen or twenty minutes a day promotes improved mental and physical health and well- being. Experience a dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety. Feel inner peace, happiness, and regain restful and refreshing sleep


To experience the full benefit of exercise it is recommended that  you exercise at least three times a week. This can lower cholesterol, improve circulation, reduce stress and promote weight loss.  This one hour fitness class offers a full body workout, to also build stamina, strengthen your core and develop and tone muscles. 


          - Do you walk heavy footed?
                  - Do you feel slumped forwards when you walk
                  - Do you feel un-coordinated when walking?
It is impossible to walk confidently and upright if you have poor posture or experiencing back pain. Good posture is vital if you have any issues whatsoever with back pain. Posture Alignment classes help you to improve your posture, with the use of the Alexander Technique. You will experience relive  of neck, back and shoulder pain, so that you can walk upright with power and confidence, become lighter on your feet, develop better co-ordination, and experience the feeling of being a  dynamic  man.

'Learn How To Escort A Lady Wearing High Heels'

Men can often overlook the vital support from a man that a woman need when she is wearing high heels. When a man is walking with a woman, he will often walk on ahead of the woman, causing her to struggle to keep up with him in her high heels. This can prove stressful for the woman and could cause her to fall. These fun and exciting Stilettos workshops gives men an incite into the secrets of a woman, through her high heels,and teaches you how to escort her properly in her high heels.

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